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  • Overview
  • Dec '23
    COP28 calls for “transition away from fossil fuels”. Does the UK public agree?
  • Nov '23
    Making sense of public opinion on oil and gas
  • Oct '23
    Polling during Labour Party conference: There is support for removing fossil fuels from electricity generation by 2030
  • Sep '23
    Support for a loophole-free windfall tax on the profits of oil and gas companies sits at nearly 90%
  • Feb '22
    Climate Change Committee: New oil and gas fields in the North Sea will create only marginal savings for households
  • Oct '21
    Government’s Net Zero strategy includes new oil & gas licensing

Fossil fuels

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    Opinion Insight 9th October 2023

    Polling during Labour Party conference: There is support for removing fossil fuels from electricity generation by 2030

    YouGov polling in October 2023 (during the Labour Party conference) shows more support (50%) than opposition (31%) for decarbonising the electricity supply by 2030. Among Conservative party voters, the balance of support-opposition is reversed.

    Whilst this level of support is lower than that generally seen for renewables (which is typically more than 70%), the 2030 target is a policy goal that some industry figures consider ambitious and will require – as analysis by Public First into the infrastructure required to decarbonise the grid has shown – ‘hitting the ground running’ if Labour takes power at the next election.

    Opinion Insight 22nd September 2023

    Support for a loophole-free windfall tax on the profits of oil and gas companies sits at nearly 90%

    Polling by Greenpeace found almost nine in ten people (87%) want to see a loophole-free windfall tax on the profits of oil and gas companies.

    Separate polling by Green New Deal Rising found 60% support for this policy when given a list of options for funding overseas climate finance commitments (the second most popular was a wealth tax on the richest 1%).

    • Source: Greenpeace
    • Author: Mal Chadwick
    • Date: 26th September 2023
    Policy Insight 18th February 2022

    Climate Change Committee: New oil and gas fields in the North Sea will create only marginal savings for households

    The Climate Change Committee, responding to the government’s inclusion of ‘climate compatible checkpoints’ for new oil and gas drilling in the North Sea as part of its recent Net Zero Strategy, concluded that:

    “The best way of reducing the UK’s future exposure to these volatile prices is to cut fossil fuel consumption on the path to Net Zero – improving energy efficiency, shifting to a renewables-based power system and electrifying end uses in transport, industry and heating. Any increases in UK extraction of oil and gas would have, at most, a marginal effect on the prices faced by UK consumers in future”

    • Source: Climate Change Committee
    • Date: 18th February 2022
    Policy Insight 1st October 2021

    Government’s Net Zero strategy includes new oil & gas licensing

    Ahead of hosting the UN climate change conference (COP26) the UK government has released a length net zero strategy, which includes new oil and gas licensing in the North Sea, so long as they pass a ‘climate compatible’ check point.

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