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    ‘One thousand ways to experience loss’

Loss and damage

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    From the Climate Community 24th November 2018

    ‘One thousand ways to experience loss’

    An article by Petra Tschakert and colleagues synthesises the depth and breadth of tangible and intangible losses that people around the world may experience as a result of climate change. Key takeaways include:

    • There is a need for more data from low income countries, which represented only 11% of case studies reviewed
    • Damage is observed across the world, and loss and at-risk sentiments are reported in nearly all regions
    • For indigenous groups, values such as culture, lifestyle, traditions and heritage, sense of place, identity, self-determination were seen as most imperiled. For nonindigenous groups, there was proportionally more evidence of harms to human life, economic outcomes, and dignity being imperiled
    • Current research likely significantly underestimates non-economic loss and damage for people living in low-income nations

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