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  • May '23
    Research paper: Climate-induced migration is not a route to greater climate concern


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    From the Climate Community 14th May 2023

    Research paper: Climate-induced migration is not a route to greater climate concern

    A paper by researchers in the USA has tested narratives about climate change and migration. They found that:

    …reading about climate-induced immigration (vs. immigration not linked to climate change) did not change participants’ climate concerns or climate policy support. Instead, reading about climate-induced immigration resulted in more negative attitudes toward immigrants.

    The research matches similar findings across the UK and Europe showing that attitudes towards migration can’t be used as a ‘tool’ to boost climate concern (and many argue on ethical grounds that the link shouldn’t be ‘weaponised’ in this way). At best they have no impact on climate policy support, and at worst, they can backfire by increasing anti-immigration sentiment.

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