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  • Overview
  • Jul '24
    Majority of public feel accepting of local pylons
  • Nov '23
    Conservative Environment Network polling: Widespread support for local green energy development
  • Oct '23
    Tracker data: Gap in perceived support for local wind and solar


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    Climate Barometer Tracker 5th July 2024

    Majority of public feel accepting of local pylons

    Climate Barometer tracker data shows that the public are largely accepting of, or feel no particular emotions at all about new local pylons being constructed in their area.

    As the plans for Great British Energy are laid out, the UK will see a major grid upgrade to carry renewable energy throughout the country. Our data consistently shows more support than opposition for local pylons and power lines, and this new data tells the same story.

    Even so, tacit acceptance of the idea does not mean that the public won’t have legitimate questions about the way in which new infrastructure is carried out. Rather than characterising this as NIMBYism, the concerns of locals need to be taken seriously for a successful transition.

    Opinion Insight 7th November 2023

    Conservative Environment Network polling: Widespread support for local green energy development

    Polling by Public First for the Conservative Environment Network (CEN) was carried out in 19 Conservative-held seats in the summer of 2023. The seats were selected for their proximity to existing or proposed major renewable energy developments in the East of England and Oxfordshire.

    While the majority would like to see green energy development and new housing in their local area, around a third of both Labour and Conservative voters chose renewable development over the building of new homes.

    76% of those surveyed said the rollout of renewable energy so far had been too slow, and 45% would ‘actively support’ or ‘not mind’ a wind farm being built within sight of a window in their home.

    The results underscore a growing body of evidence which shows – in national level polling, focus groups and constituency level polling – consistent support for building renewables. They stand in contrast to the perception held by Conservative MPs, which significantly overestimates the level of opposition among their own voters and the population more widely.

    Read more about ‘perception gaps’ in our Climate Barometer topic thread.

    Climate Barometer Tracker 5th October 2023

    Tracker data: Gap in perceived support for local wind and solar

    Climate Barometer Tracker data across three waves shows consistent public support for local renewable projects. TheĀ  public are positive towards the prospect of new solar parks and onshore wind farms being built in their area, with greater than 70% support for both.

    However, people – and their MPs – underestimate the actual public support for both initiatives, and overestimate opposition to them. This shows that MPs continue to misperceive public opinion in relation to renewable energy projects, and illustrates the stickiness of ‘not in my backyard‘ assumptions despite evidence to the contrary.

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