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  • Nov '23
    Autumn Statement: Discounts on energy bills to be provided to households living near new electricity transmission infrastructure
  • Tracker data: Public support for new local pylons

Power lines

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    Policy Insight 22nd November 2023

    Autumn Statement: Discounts on energy bills to be provided to households living near new electricity transmission infrastructure

    In the Chancellor Jeremy Hunnt’s Autumn Statement, it was confirmed that households living near proposed new electricity transmission infrastructure (i.e. the pylons and power lines required to transmit electricity from offshore wind and other renewable sources, to households) would be offered discounts on their electricity bills. The Chancellor said:

    ‘Following consultation earlier this year, we confirm that we are currently minded to provide both an electricity bill discount for properties located closest to transmission network infrastructure and a wider community benefit. The wider community benefit will be co-developed by the project developer and local community to best reflect community preferences. Our response to the consultation has been published alongside this document. We intend to publish guidance on wider community benefits in 2024. This guidance will be voluntary whilst we explore options for a mandatory approach. We will provide further information on the overall community benefits policy, including bill discounts and options for developing a mandatory approach, in 2024.’

    Climate Barometer Tracker 3rd November 2023

    Tracker data: Public support for new local pylons

    The latest Climate Barometer tracker data (October 2023) shows public support for new pylons and power lines being built locally. Although opposition is slightly higher among Conservative voters, there’s still a clear majority in favour, echoing the findings of an in-depth Public First study of voters’ perceptions of green energy developments in 19 Conservative-held rural constituencies.

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