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  • Jul '24
    Majority of public feel accepting of local pylons
  • MPs and the public underestimate public support for pylons


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    Climate Barometer Tracker 5th July 2024

    Majority of public feel accepting of local pylons

    Climate Barometer tracker data shows that the public are largely accepting of, or feel no particular emotions at all about new local pylons being constructed in their area.

    As the plans for Great British Energy are laid out, the UK will see a major grid upgrade to carry renewable energy throughout the country. Our data consistently shows more support than opposition for local pylons and power lines, and this new data tells the same story.

    Even so, tacit acceptance of the idea does not mean that the public won’t have legitimate questions about the way in which new infrastructure is carried out. Rather than characterising this as NIMBYism, the concerns of locals need to be taken seriously for a successful transition.

    Climate Barometer Tracker 1st July 2024

    MPs and the public underestimate public support for pylons

    Majorities of the public across political lines show support for building new pylons carrying renewable energy in their local area. Alongside renewables, this is an area of consensus – even those intending to vote Reform UK, whose climate views can differ from the rest of the British public somewhat, show high levels of support compared to opposition (although notably, they also show the highest level of opposition, at 39%).


    Despite the relative public consensus, both the public and MPs tend to underestimate public support for new local pylons. Only 7% of Conservative MPs and 17% of Labour MPs thought their constituents would support the measure.

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