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    Is there a split between ‘motorists’ and ‘non motorists’ on transport policies?
  • Jul '23
    More in Common research: voters outside of London were not paying close attention to the extension of ULEZ


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    Opinion Insight 15th September 2023

    Is there a split between ‘motorists’ and ‘non motorists’ on transport policies?

    YouGov polling from Sept 2023 shows drivers and non-drivers split on who ‘gets the best deal’ from travel policies

    Among those who drive on at least five days in a week, 41% say that government policy tends to favour non-drivers, compared to just 18% who say it favours drivers. Britons who don’t drive say that policy favours drivers over non-drivers by 35% to 13%.

    In both cases, there’s a sense that other people are getting a better deal – but what surveys like this (and the rhetoric from the current Government around the idea of a ‘war on motorists’) obscure, is that many people drive, cycle/wheel and walk on streets and roads.

    The idea that there are ‘motorists’ and a group defined in opposition to cars, doesn’t tally well with the reality of how people experience their neighbourhoods. And other polls looking for differences between drivers and non-drivers, don’t always find any: In 2021 YouGov found support for clean air zones, and increasing the amounts levied in congestion zones, was almost identical between people who drive, and those who don’t.

    From the Climate Community 29th July 2023

    More in Common research: voters outside of London were not paying close attention to the extension of ULEZ

    A More in Common focus group for the Guardian newspaper, carried out just after the Uxbridge by-election, concluded that

    “The heated rows over green policy that have dominated Westminster over the past week, had passed voters we spoke to in Don Valley and Chipping Barnet by.”

    Although our Climate Barometer tracker data shows that there are some (Conservative) voters who are opposed to clean air zones, this perspective from far outside of the ‘bubble’ of Westminster commentary is useful to keep in mind: even opposition is unlikely to be strongly held or ‘top of mind’ for most voters.

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