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  • May '24
    Tracker data: How is support for phasing out petrol and diesel vehicles changing?

Cars & transport

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    A transition away from Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles and towards Electric Vehicles (EVs) is a central part of the transition to Net Zero for the UK. Sales of EVs are increasing, the second-hand market is growing (making them more affordable) and car manufacturers are switching the models and ranges on their production lines. But the date on which sales of new ICE vehicles will be stopped was delayed by the UK government in 2023 (from 2030 to 2035).


    Alongside the phase out of gas-powered boilers for domestic home heating, the ICE phase out has become the focus of political debate, with a clear opinion gap between Conservative (who are less favourable towards the phase out in 2030 or 2035) and Labour MPs, and to a lesser extent among the public.

    This narrative thread features data showing changes in support over time for this policy from our own Climate Barometer tracker, wider polling insights on the ICE phase out (and support for EVs) and commentary to make sense of changes in how people think about this key transport policy.

  • Climate Barometer Tracker 30th May 2024

    Tracker data: How is support for phasing out petrol and diesel vehicles changing?

    Climate Barometer tracker data shows only slight changes in support and opposition for phasing out the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2035.

    Overall public support remains stable, if slightly on the downward trend. There appears to rising opposition, especially among Conservative voters.

    Despite the attention drawn to the policy by Rishi Sunak’s speech in September 2023, there were no obvious subsequent changes in public sentiment. However, among Conservative voters, there is more opposition than support and opposition has grown by around 10% over the period of a year. Support remains higher than opposition among Labour voters.

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