The figure above shows a rise in opposition to the petrol/diesel phase out over time (with support remaining relatively flat, and the number of people who don’t know what they think declining). But when it comes to EVs, misconceptions abound.
We tested a range of ‘anti-net zero’ narratives and soundbites, and found very few of them currently have any cut through with the public. But there was one exception: 40% of people say they don’t think EVs are more environmentally friendly than cars (when in fact they are).
And this isn’t the only misconception about EVs.
Previous Climate Barometer polling showed that when people are reminded that only new vehicles (not second hand ones) will be phased out after 2030, there was a 9% increase in people saying that the phase out would not affect them at all.
And in the latest polling, support for the phasing out of petrol and diesel cars is higher (+5%), and opposition is lower (-6%) when people were reminded that it is only new vehicle sales which must be zero emissions by 2030 (39% support, 38% oppose), compared to support without the prompt about second-hand vehicles (34% support, 44% oppose), a statistically significant difference.
What do MPs need to know about voters’ views on climate?
In the wake of the 2024 General Election results, what do MPs need to bear in mind in terms of voters’ climate opinions?